I don’t want to have to adopt……

In a perfect world there would be no orphans!  Not because they would all be adopted but because they would be with their biological parents and siblings enjoying a perfect life.  However, that world doesn’t currently exist.  As a future adoptive mother I wish I didn’t HAVE to adopt.  I would love nothing more than to see all children with their birth parents, but our world has far too much pain, loss, & poverty for that to happen.

November is National Adoption Month and it’s been so encouraging to see television shows like the Today Show promote and share incredible stories about adoption.  However there is no doubt that adoption has many challenges that many people don’t know about.  The orphan crisis has it’s own concept in everyone’s mind but it’s your heart that leads you to believe the truth in the matter.

Personally, I’ve seen many orphanages and know some foster parents that are wonderfully successful in making every child feel loved, cared for and appreciated.  These institutions and families are to be greatly commended and their love and hard work should continue on!!  However, adoption is and will always be a huge part of the orphan crisis solution!

This month, not only has the good of adoption been shared, but the sad reality has been shown too. Corruption exists in many countries around the world. Interestingly enough, adoptive parents are some of the most informed people in regards to this topic.  My husband and I planned to adopt from Haiti through a seemingly wonderful organization but little did we know a lot was going on behind closed doors that no one knew about. However, this corruption can’t produce paralyzing fear…in our case there are two childrens lives at stake in Africa.  

Obviously children are the ones who suffer the most during institutionalization, corrupt foster care, and corrupt adoptions.  So, whats the greatest act of resolution? I believe it’s found by looking within ourselves. What are we called to do individually?  Not everyone was created to adopt or foster but we were all created to love, give, and support those in NEED! Those in need include orphans & biological parents. It’s hard to celebrate adoption when you know it was caused by great loss, but we must step in and support families and most importantly fill the gap. (James 1:27, John 14:18, & Philippines 2:4…….)

So, how does National Adoption Month affect you if you’re not adopting….from within, the Lord will lead you to know what you can and should do to help those in need.  I can promise you this…it is not to sit idle and watch people and the world lose a battle to the enemy of God! All of humanity can do it’s part to help those in need. At one time or another we will all be in need too.

There is hope in loss …we must believe that!

There is hope in loss.… we must believe that!

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