Mother’s Day & Ellie’s Dedication

Today was my first Mother’s Day….what a blessed day! We spent the weekend with our parents and Adam’s brother’s family and my grandmother and brother Aaron. And…Ellie had her baby dedication this morning at church so of course all of this is well documented via photos!

And for my mother’s day gift Adam gave me a trip for our 6th Anniversary! July 9th we’ll be traveling overseas for the third time this summer… Here’s how he told me:

On Ellie’s diaper it said ISRAEL….Adam knew this is the one place I wanted to go before I go to the Heavenly Holy Land!!!

Fun in Atlanta and the OKC Zoo!

Adam performed a wedding this past weekend and we got to visit Atlanta, GA. It was so….beautiful and fun! In Atlanta Ellie slept on her tummy for the first time and we realized hotel cribs are very uncomfortable. So, we’re going to practice sleeping in her Pack-and-Play before we leave for Haiti next month.

Also, yesterday we went to the OKC Zoo for the first time with cousins and friends! Ellie had fun and we really look forward to going again!! Enjoy the photos!


We had a wonderful Easter today!! It was a beautiful 85 degrees outside with the sun shining….that’s what every Easter should be like! We went to two Easter services at Journey (Saturday and Sunday) and then spend time with family and friends at Adam’s parents Sunday afternoon!! What a great day, I’ll let our pictures tell the stories…..

Easter Eggs and Birthdays!

Our friends, Todd and Paige, have an egg decorating party every year so we finally got to make eggs for Ellie’s basket not just for our own fun…. And Sunday Ellie went to her first “First Birthday” Party for her friend Jordan! They had fun playing together and it made me even more excited for her 1st Birthday in less then 5 months!!

Spring Break in Colorado!

Ellie and I went to Keystone for Spring Break this week while Adam was gone on a mission trip. We had a blast with Nonna, Gigi Pat, Aunt Mardi, and all the Raub’s!! We took a lot of walks in the mountains, went swimming twice, and enjoyed lots of time to relax. We’ll be home for a while this spring….getting back on a routine with Ellie, working from home for Mission of Hope Haiti, and getting ready for our mission trips to Haiti and the Phillipines.

Hope you enjoy the pics!

Happy 6 Months, my little baby girl!

Ellie Marie weights 16 lbs. 14 oz. She’s more then doubled her birth weight and doesn’t look like she’s missed a meal =) She’s been sleeping through the night since 7 weeks and just recently found her feet. Not just found them…..puts them in her mouth!! She’s the happiest baby around. She’s always smiling and laughing at people, dogs, herself….. Adam and I are truly blessed to have such a beautiful baby!!!

Please Pray!

God has called Adam and I to serve in Haiti and the Philippines this summer. And we’ve decided to bring Ellie with us. Besides the fact that she’s still breastfeeding we feel that God has called us to take our family on these trips, which is only Ellie at this time. My mother will most likely be accompanying us to Haiti in May and we will have a team of 10 college students with us in the Philippines in June. Need less to say we need your prayers and support as we live out God’s calling in our lives to share the name of Jesus with all peoples around the world.

Specifically, we ask that you pray for our ministry. We want God to use us in whatever way will bring glory to His name. Even though I have Ellie with me (who will be 9 months at the time) I’m praying that God will still use me as a vessel in whatever unique ways He sees possible. We believe God will protect us and keep us healthy, as He always does, but we of course would love that support in prayer.

In Haiti we will be serving along side the OU Women’s Basketball team at Mission of Hope Haiti. They have a clinic that serves 250 people a day, a school, and an orphanage. God has done some truly amazing work through Mission of Hope before and after the earthquake and we’re so blessed to be apart of what God’s already doing. Haiti’s President gave his life to Christ after the earthquake and dedicated Haiti to God soon after and we hope to continue to strengthen the work of the Spirit in this country.

On our trip to the Philippines we will be serving with a local missionary and his family in Cebu. They have a church and know the locals very well. So, we’re praying that we can not only support them in their existing ministry but help create new bonds and love everyone we meet with Christ’s love!

These trips will bring us many interesting and challenging circumstances but we ask you to join us in prayer for God’s hand to move among all those we come in contact with. God is good and worthy to be praised so we have chosen to share of His great love with all people! Thanks for your love and support!