Macy’s almost ONE and Ellie’s a Rock Star Sis!!

Last week we had the privilege of having Macy and Ellie photographed by one of our favorite photographers Kate Gaines!!! Check out her site and blog at If you click blog you can see some of our pics or you can visit her website to see all the great work she does!!

We literally can’t believe Macy is going to be one this month!! This shot was so special because after I found out I was pregnant with Ellie I called my grandma and asked her to do the unthinkable….cut up my wedding dress and make a bassinet!! She was faithful and did a beautiful job. 

Both Ellie and Macy slept in the bassinet for 6 weeks next to my side of the bed…Adam and I were always ready to move them into their room because we hoped it meant more sleep for us!  With Ellie it did.  She was a grunter but started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks.  Macy on the other hand still won’t sleep through the night but she does take great naps during the day and smiles constantly! 

Another special part about these pictures were that Adam’s great grandmother had made a quilt that was in need of some mending and my grandmother willingly did.  We got this quilt from Adam’s mother recently for Macy’s pictures and to use at her “Antique Picnic Themed Birthday”.

Macy stood for the very first time on this quilt during her photo shot and I can’t believe we caught it on camera!! Watching Ellie love on her sister in these pictures is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen…but in reality she does it every single day and I’m so happy to have them in picture form now!

Enjoy these pics and check out Macy’s Birthday invitation…Touies Design does a great job with birth announcements, birthday invitations, shower invitation and so much more. Look them up on Facebook or their Etsy page


IMG_5878Macy’s Bday Invite

Welcoming Miss Macy Lou Barnett

Adam, Ellie and I were proud to welcome Macy Lou Barnett into our lives on Monday, April 23rd at 7:27 am. She weighed 7lbs 11oz and is 19 1/4 inch. long.

The whole family guessed her weight, height, and time of arrival and the winners were: Nonna (my mom) guessed the height on the dot, Pop-Pop (my dad) & BG (Adams mom) both guessed 7 lbs 2 oz which was 9 oz off but was the closest! And I guessed the delivery time on the minute…which my dad thinks was cheating cause he thought I’d ask them to wait until that exact moment to pull her out…which I didn’t 🙂 I’m just that good!

Here are some random pics from this past week. I’ll post our official birth pics soon!





