Our last week…….

Today I realized that Monday will mark our last week of…..

1. Just having Ellie as our child
2. Me being pregnant
3. Adam and I being able to double team our parenting

I have a feeling this week will be emotional because Adam and I both realized our need to really cherish this last week with Ellie before Macy’s arrival. This will also be my last week as a pregnant women…ever again. As uncomfortable as pregnancy can be I’m going to, of course, miss feeling life living and growing inside of me! And finally, once Macy arrivals Adam and I will be in a one on one parenting role rather then our two on one with Ellie.

Life is about to change a whole lot, but we welcome the change and pray God will walk us through each step in a sweet and tender way!

“Ellie, I love you more then words could ever express! These 2 years and 9 months we’ve had with you as our only child have been the biggest blessing. Your adorable personality, sweet nature, and loving words inspire me to be a better mom, wife, and disciple of Christ everyday.

I know you will be the best big sister and I look forward to watching you love on Macy in the same way you’ve loved on your dad and I.

You will ALWAYS be my baby and I promise to love you more and more each day as you grow to be a beautiful child of God.”

Love, Your Mommy

Adoption on hold….Baby on the way….

I know many of you have been following our adventure of adoption and children so I wanted to give you an update! I haven’t blogged in awhile because we’ve been waiting to make this announcement….

In April Ellie will be a big sister!! I’m 10 weeks and 1 day pregnant and will most likely have baby #2 on April 23rd since it’ll be a repeat c-section. Our little angels heart rate was 170 today and we’ve seen it’s little gummy bear body.

We are beyond excited, humbled, and blessed to share this news. Having babies hasn’t been an easy process for us so we truly treasure Ellie and this new little life! Over the past 6 months I’ve been researching adoption from Haiti and domestic and I’m pretty sure we’ll be adopting from Haiti in about 2 years.

It’s amazing to think that our adopted children may not give me nausea, contractions, or stretch marks but our passion and heart for their lives is just as strong and meaningful as Ellie and Barnett Baby #2. Adam and I are so excited for this next chapter in life…”children” and I think Ellie’s ready to not be the only child 😉

Thank you for your continued prayers over the next 29 weeks!

Here’s our little gummy bear at 8 weeks 4 days. It’s first heart rate was 120 at 6 weeks, then 160 during this ultrasound, and 170 today at 10 weeks!

5 Days!!

In 5 days, all my family will be traveling in from all over the country to witness Ellie’s birth!! My mom and dad will be coming from Chicago, my brother Aaron will be traveling up from Florida, and my other brother and sister-in-law (Kyle and Kelsey) will be making the trip from California!!

Tuesday night Adam and I will be arriving at Norman Regional around 12:01am. This will be after an evening with the family and a night of worship and fun at the church!! No better way to prepare my body!!

We’re hoping miss Ellie will arrive Wednesday afternoon or evening so please keep us in your prayers all day Wednesday! Inductions have a higher risk for c-sections but we’re hoping and praying that God’s Will is a safe, quick, and blessed normal delivery!!

We look forward to announcing Ellie’s weight, length, hair color, and more next Wednesday!! We’ll be taking visitors Thursday and Friday so feel free to text or call Adam or me about coming up!

Thanks for all the prayers!! Adam, Andrea, and Ellie


Ellie Marie 007
Adam and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary Friday, August 14th!! We spent the whole day together just doing things we love (pool, napping, starbucks, and more…) We even wrote our Family Creed which I will post soon!! We finished our special day with a visit to the Melting Pot!! Expensive but very worth it.

We talked a lot about our last 5 years together, the good and bad, and all the things to come in the future!! It was very special and I’m so happy God’s timing is so perfect for us, our marriage, and our new family!!

Adam, Happy 5th Anniversary! There is no one in the whole world I’d rather spend the rest of my life with. Your the most amazing best friend, lover, husband, and father!! I can’t wait to see what the next 5 years hold for us and our family!! I love you with all my heart, YOURS.

Good Bye My Loooooooove….

Adam left this morning for Africa!! =( It was a very sad good bye for me. It’s his last trip until next year so I’m very excited about that but it’s really hard letting your love leave for 17 days. I’m truly blessed to have a man as amazing and godly as Adam. I look forward to the day when I’ll be taking trips with him again and Ellie will be tagging along or spending much needed time with Nonna or BG.

Adam thought my belly looked funny/cute last night so he took some pics from his iphone of what my “Ellie Belly” looked like before he left. And of course a “Kiss Good Bye” photo too!!


Ellie’s new cousin is coming soon….

Grayson Joseph Barnett will be arriving between now and Thursday morning!! We can’t wait to meet him!!!  We’re so excited that Ellie and Grayson will be only 4 months apart. 

Next summer is going to be a VERY fun couple months with three boy cousins next door (all under 5), two girls across the street (under 4), and at least 4 other young babies in the neighborhood !!  I can’t even imagine all the John Deer four wheelers and Barbie Jeeps that will be zooming around the neigborhood!!

Pictures of Grayson will be posted soon…….

Adam Felt Her Kick!!!

Yesterday Adam felt Ellie kick for the first time!! We’ve tried many times before but she always stopped as soon as he tried to feel her.  It’s also very hard to be patient when you’re so excited to feel her move and she doesn’t within the first minute.

So, last night while I was sitting on the couch I could feel her kicking away so I called Adam in and he put his hand down for about 10 seconds and immediatly felt her twice in a row!!  I told him she knew it was him that’s way she kicked so hard!!

Offically “IN LOVE”!!

Yesterday Adam and I got to hear our little ones heartbeat for about two minutes, which is much longer then we’ve heard it before!!  It was a strong 160 beats per minute!  This appointment finally confirmed in my mind and heart that I am carrying a living human being in my body.  I haven’t cried at any appointments yet because I’m always so busy trying to lie still so I don’t ruin the doppler.  Hopefully soon those emotions will kick in.

I told Adam yesterday about five times that I’m just so… in love with this baby and can’t wait till I can feel him/her move, get the hiccups, and even kick my ribs!  Next week my mom and I will be going to St. Louis for a girl’s trip and we have the great opportunity to visit a family friend who will be doing a 3-D ultrasound!! I literally can’t wait to see my little ones face!! The last ultrasound we had was at 9 weeks so I can’t even imagine how big our 16 week old baby will be!!

P.S. A new BABY BUMB picture will be coming soon, 4 months!!