He is Risen!

This past Saturday we went to watch our friend Carlee play OU Volleyball and this was Ellie’s start to the adorable outfits for the weekend….it was cold and rainy so she had to wear jeans but she got to show off this cute top!

After the Volleyball game we went Easter Egg Hunting….but it wouldn’t have been right to start without some sugar to get us energized….


Ellie enjoyed playing with her eggs…she even found the “gold egg” which won her a chocolate bunny!!

On Easter Sunday this was Ellie’s dress from Nonna!!

And these were my Easter gift from our new garden….What a beautiful symbol of Jesus death and resurrection! These roses came from a vine that is unbelievably thorny. It literally hurts to pick and cut these flowers off the vine, but it’s so worth the amazing smell and enjoyment they bring.

This year these roses symbolize the pain Jesus endured for me that would bring me such a beautiful life!

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