Much more than a home for an orphan…..

I know everyone can relate to this statement: “It’s just been one of those mornings!” As a parent, sometimes it’s difficult getting your kiddos up and around in a peaceful, happy manner.  Sometimes, just collecting everything you need for your day or getting where you’re trying to go is a struggle.  However, today was a much different morning for this momma.  Before 9am I was on a emotional roller coaster only The Lord Himself could stop.

I sat down with my morning coffee to get in The Word, but instead I went to social media.  Big mistake, yet blessing in disguise….I read a blog by a woman who has adopted from Africa and it was a very honest and candid post about the difficulties of the first two years. I was immediately flooded with tons of emotions: fear, anxiety, and doubt. However, I’m learning not to be naive about adoption and to appreciate the openness of the true struggles it will entail. 

With a heavy heart I went back to the task at hand…getting into The Lord’s presence! I opened my daily devotional which was titled, “Feeling for Others – Part 1.” In short, this message was just for me this morning!  It was about having compassion for those in pain and need…

The closing prayer was: “Heavenly Father, give ME the compassion YOU have and show to others – help me to cry with those who weep! In Jesus’ Name, Amen”.

It struck me while I was reading this, and even just when I saw the title in my inbox, adoption is not just about giving an orphan(s) a home it’s about crying with them during their grief, holding them in their fear, & smiling with them in their joys.

We’ve signed up for something much greater than just adding to our family….we’ve signed up for the ups and downs of helping heal the brokenness of this world.  Many adopted children deal with abandonment, sorrow, and anger that was unfairly put on their little lives because of the fallen world we live in.

After pondering Romans 12:15, “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn”, I opened my email to find a truly God-sent piece of information. I know learning our Congolese children’s language is a must, for us, and that bringing their culture into our home will be a key as well….so I’d been doing research on tutors and international students in our area from The Congo. 

A huge weight was lifted when I read that Norman, Oklahoma has a French and African Language Center!  For a girl who struggled in school and with languages, even her own, I felt like The Lord was just wrapping His arms around me saying, “You’re not going to do this alone, I will guide your path and give you strength and wisdom greater than you could ever imagine!”

Our agency and adoption community has been so helpful in helping get us on the right path of preparation, for example, I read one adoptee’s perspective that began with this piece of wisdom, “Adoption is not possible without loss.” It doesn’t matter how old your children are or if they have living parents or not, they’ve all lost something to get to the point of adoption. Love isn’t going to be enough, weathering the storm with them will play a huge role.  

We’re about to embark on a journey of healing, transition, struggle, great joys, and so much more but God doesn’t call the equipped he equips the called!! So, what did The Lord teach me before 9am this morning?

  1. We will stand firm in His calling, “To look after the orphans in their distress…” James 1:27
  2. We will pray fervently for strength and wisdom to love, cherish, and mold our family into the blessings He has planned for us
  3. We will believe that The Lord can and will do miracles in all four of our children’s lives, as well as our own, that no psychologist, doctor, or social worker could ever understand
  4. We will study and learn about the possible struggles that lie ahead, but we will have faith that The Lord has called us to this purpose to bring glory to His name!

We are all adopted into the family of God when we choose to believe in His son Jesus Christ so the challenges of adoption are nothing a Christian hasn’t faced before.

The Barnett Growing Family Photos….

We’re so excited to share these family photos taken on the Fourth of July! As we celebrated our freedom and honored all those who have served and fought for our nation, we also thought about our Congolese children yet to make it to America.

This past week we also completed all our adoption paperwork for The Congo…our home study, dossier, and I-600 (petition for an orphan request). It feels so good to be done with this phase and know it’s all in the Lord’s hands now!

We’ve requested two boys between 0-3 years old preferably brothers (around our girls age), twins, or two future brothers 😉 (non biologically related) Our agency will search orphanages for boys close to what we’re looking for and then send us a referral (documents for two boys). This phase will take about 3-6 months. We’re excited for this next step and know our agency and The Lord will match us with the perfect kiddos for our family!

We're adopting two boys from the Congo...adding some blue to our lives!!!

We’re adopting two boys from the Congo…adding some blue to our lives!!!

My love and baby daddy!

My love and baby daddy!

We can't wait to grow into a family of 6!

We can’t wait to grow into a family of 6!

Two Girls and Two Boys to come...

Two Girls and Two Boys to come…

Our boys are so far away but so close to our hearts...

Our boys are so far away but so close to our hearts…

An Open Door in The Congo…

With tearful eyes and joyous hearts we’re excited to announce that The Lord has blessed our way to purse adoption from the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Africa. The past month as been one crazy roller coaster. Just a few weeks ago we thought we were on the verge of getting a referral (finding out who our children would be) in Haiti. The next day we received an email from our agency that they had not been chosen as one of the 19 agency’s in Haiti that could legally adopt. They gave us some options to move forward with a Haitian adoption but after much prayer, conversation, and tears we knew the Lord was closing the door for us in Haiti. Ultimately, we were taking a big risk financially and emotionally by trying to stick it out in Haiti and we thought it was most wise, in our case, to remove our dossier (paperwork) from there.

This decision was obviously very hard since Adam and I have a HUGE heart for Haiti and will forever. In doing some research with other agency’s we realized no other agency would take us (because of our age, 30) for a Haiti adoption but one country was in need of adoptive families, THE CONGO. We’ve been blessed to know an amazing family who adopted from The Congo this past year and their sweet son is in Macy’s class at school and church.

We looked into adoption through Oklahoma’s DHS but after a handful of conversations and research we realized this too would be a very long and uncertain road. Our heart is to adopt and we believe the Lord has called us to two boys between 1-4 years old…this just isn’t realistic with the system in place in our country.

So, on May 6th, 2013 All Blessings International accepted us into their Congolese adoption program. I’m currently working on getting our dossier switched over from Haiti to The Congo which we’re believing will be an easier process then we thought…all documents still are translated into French and many of our documents can be used again for our agency and dossier for the Congo.

We would appreciate your continued prayer as we transfer papers, walk through the door in a war-torn country, and dare to risk loving the unloved.

Why the Congo
Facts about the Democratic Republic of the Congo:

– The Congo is the 3rd largest country in Africa
– They were at war from 1998 – 2003 (and it is on going)
– The war is the deadliest conflict since WWII
– Over 5.4 million people have died since 1998
– Congo’s life expenctancy is 46 years
– over 5.2 million Congolese children receive no education
– over 1.2 million people are infected with HIV-almost, 60% of those infected are women
– Malaria kills 400 children a day
– Sexual violence against women and female children is the worst anywhere in the world
– 37% (18.5 million) of the Congolese people do not have access to medical care
– In 2010 DRC became ranked as the number one poorest country in the world
– National maternal mortality is 1837 per 100,000 live births, one of the worst in the world
– Only 45% have access to safe drinking water

I share these stats because The Congo needs our prayers, support, and love and we hope to be a small part of the help they need by bringing two of their orphans into our loving home.


Macy’s almost ONE and Ellie’s a Rock Star Sis!!

Last week we had the privilege of having Macy and Ellie photographed by one of our favorite photographers Kate Gaines!!! Check out her site and blog at If you click blog you can see some of our pics or you can visit her website to see all the great work she does!!

We literally can’t believe Macy is going to be one this month!! This shot was so special because after I found out I was pregnant with Ellie I called my grandma and asked her to do the unthinkable….cut up my wedding dress and make a bassinet!! She was faithful and did a beautiful job. 

Both Ellie and Macy slept in the bassinet for 6 weeks next to my side of the bed…Adam and I were always ready to move them into their room because we hoped it meant more sleep for us!  With Ellie it did.  She was a grunter but started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks.  Macy on the other hand still won’t sleep through the night but she does take great naps during the day and smiles constantly! 

Another special part about these pictures were that Adam’s great grandmother had made a quilt that was in need of some mending and my grandmother willingly did.  We got this quilt from Adam’s mother recently for Macy’s pictures and to use at her “Antique Picnic Themed Birthday”.

Macy stood for the very first time on this quilt during her photo shot and I can’t believe we caught it on camera!! Watching Ellie love on her sister in these pictures is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen…but in reality she does it every single day and I’m so happy to have them in picture form now!

Enjoy these pics and check out Macy’s Birthday invitation…Touies Design does a great job with birth announcements, birthday invitations, shower invitation and so much more. Look them up on Facebook or their Etsy page


IMG_5878Macy’s Bday Invite

Barnett’s in Haiti Fundraising

Well it’s officially that time….time to raise funds for our adoption.  I found this amazing company called Just Love Coffee that gives a good portion of their profits back as fundraising for adoptions, so we’ve got a page: Barnett’s in Haiti!!!

If you love coffee feel free to click our link below and support our adoption by purchasing items through Just Love!!

Adoption Update January 2013

Tomorrow our dossier will be delivered to Haiti!!!  Putting the dossier list of papers together, getting it all notarized, authenticated, and legalized was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.  My brain was literally fried…but the joy of seeing our children’s faces soon is ALL WORTH IT!

Very soon we will be getting our referral ‘matched with our children’ from Voice of the Orphan!  We feel called to adopt two boys between 0-4 years old that are brothers or around the ages of our girls. We’re beyond excited to see who the Lord has chosen for us to love and care for!!

We’re thrilled to share this news with you all soon and can’t wait to go visit them once we have approval to do so.

Please pray for us as we start this incredible journey:

1. Lord, we ask that you will match us with the perfect kiddos for our family

2. We ask that you protect and love them until we’re able to bring them home

3. Please prepare all 6 of us for this union as we know it will change our lives forever


Thank You!! 

Adoption Update #2

Well, a lot has changed since my last blog. We’ve been busy collecting documents for our Home Study and Dossier. We chose to do our home study through an independent provider who was really great and was actually the least expensive option as well. As of today, we officially have all our documents in to her. I had to get background checks in two other states which took longer than expected so we will get our official home study very soon! Our dossier list is something we’ll need that has many items similar to our home study but some new ones like a psych eval, passport pictures, medical exams and more….

Our dossier list has all been checked off and now we’re waiting approval from our new agency and orphanage which are a two-in-one organization. The adoption agency is called Voice of the Orphan and the orphanage is called Giving Hope Rescue Mission. You can find their websites on ‘Our Adoption’ tab in the timeline. A lot has changed since our first step towards adoption, in June of 2011, so check that page out to see the whole process as it’s unfolding.

The next two steps in the process are having our dossier (which includes our home study) translated into French and being accepted to Voice of the Orphan so they can help us submit all our documents to Haiti. Thanks so much for all your prayers and support. We’ve mailed out over 100 support letters and we pray all of you will be blessed by supporting us in whatever way you feel lead.

Our Adoption Update 1

Well it’s been a while since I’ve blogged…I guess life with two kiddos is kinda crazy!! I can only imagine what it will be like after we adopt two more.

Adam and I feel called to adopt two children from Haiti. We’re interested in siblings or twins but we will of course adopt the greatest need the orphanage has!

We have some excited news…we’ve completed our home study as of today! The two home visits, blood work, and 40 pages of paperwork have been completed! We should have the official documentation for completion in a few weeks.

This is our first big step towards adopting and the next is choosing an agency. We’ve already had many changes and updates to our process because of the changes Haiti is currently making to their adoptions.

As of now, the country of Haiti will announce which agency’s they will approve around October 1st which will be great since our home study will just have been processed.

The agency we hoped to work with, Sparrow Adoptions currently has too many families waiting to get there children home from Haiti so they are not taking on any more families. This was a set back for sure, but now that we know all of Haiti’s changes the timing is actually all fitting into place.

After we choose an agency we’ll confirm if we can still adopt thru H.I.S. Home Orphanage. Another important step before being partnered with our children is to actually go to Haiti to be interviewed by the Haitian Social Services. Hopefully we can do that in early 2013.

We’re looking at around 18 months before our kids come home with us…but we’ll see 🙂

Thanks for all your prayers and support!

H.I.S. Home Visit

A few weeks ago Adam took his annual trip to Haiti for a week, but this time he stayed a couple extra days to visit the orphanage we plan to adopt from. He went purely to see the facility and meet the staff. He was able to capture some pictures of the children and grounds which you can view below.

It was hard not being with him but since Macy was only 3 weeks old I couldn’t make the trip. Adam was able to speak with the couple that runs H.I.S. Home and he walked away completely impressed and even partial to one little girl.

We found out some interesting things: 1. adoption from Haiti is taking 1-2 years from start to finish. 2. We can actually visit in November and chose our child or children if we want. 3. It’s cheaper to select two children at one time rather then two seperate adoptions. 4. Once we’ve been officially assigned to our children we can go visit them up to four times before the adoption is complete.

Adam and I are on similar pages but from day to day we bounce back and forth between one or two children & girls or boys. So, overall we’ll just see what the Lord hands us and we’ll be honored to call them ours!!

Enjoy the picutres below and click the “Our Adoption” page above to see what our process has been like so far and to get links to our agency, home study contact, and orphanage.